Monday, October 20, 2008

8.4 Explain the quality control measures that you've set up or are going to establish.

To ensure the quality of our workers, we propose to do several parts:

Time – when arrive to work, we propose punch card system to make sure our workers are punctual. It will be re-installed in each month. This is also for Financial Department to calculate salary monthly.

Attire – Every workers in the Operation Department will wear the company t-shirt. While the Admin Department wears professional attire. This is to ensure tidiness and sorting the workers by attire.

Stages of Operation:
There are three stages that we are very concern in our business to ensure our service is running smoothly. The good quality control for every stage is important to avoid any problems that may occur during the services. Meanwhile, we ensure that our product is in good quality and satisfied our customer requirement.

Table 8.2: Justification of the operation stages

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