Monday, October 20, 2008

8.2 Show your awareness of your industry's standards and regulations by telling which industry organizations you are already a member of and/or which

We have join Cement and Concrete Association (C&CA) of Malaysia. By joining C&CA, we can:

§ Work with the Government in the formulation of policies for the development of the cement industry.
§ Serve as a channel of communication with the Government and relevant organizations.
§ Monitor and analyse issues pertaining to the industry's development and resolve problems faced.
§ Conduct research and training programmes to improve manufacturing processes, cement standards and develop human resources.
§ Promote cement and concrete usage.
§ Establish links with cement related organisations nationally and internationally to foster information exchange and closer economic cooperation.
§ Originate and publish literature and information on subjects related to cement and concrete.

To comply with the laws and regulations, we had achieved 4 International Organization for Standardization (ISO) which is:

§ ISO 9002 – Quality assurance in production of products or services and installation and servicing.
§ ISO 14001 – Environment Management System.
§ OHSAS 18001 – Occupational health and safety information, guidance and resources to support this standard.

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